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Firewood Assurance Service Tool 
Using innovative technology and data analytics to consistently deliver successful project assurance

Introducing FAST


The Firewood Assurance Service Tool (FAST  ) allows you to design and implement your assurance framework consistently using industry best practice.


 When you take advantage of FAST  , you can expect to: 

  • View the library of best practice frameworks and create your own assurance framework

  • Create your review templates and review your initiatives to understand their performance

  • Assign and track actions to completion and get analytics to keep your investment in change on track




Traditional programme assurance isn't working effectively 

  • Existing assurance procedures are time-consuming because they are often over complicated

  • Data is static and inaccessible because it's captured, analysed and reported on using confusing spreadsheets

  • Management often lack confidence as there isn't consistency in assurance without a robust framework

  • Decisions take too long to make because it's difficult to make sense of all the information generated

  • Remedial actions to improve project performance are missed as there is no single point of accountability

  • There is a costly over-reliance on external assurance providers due to resource and skills shortages

  • Lessons from previous reviews are often forgotten in the PowerPoint slides and spreadsheets they are noted on

  • The root-cause of issues aren't identified because findings aren't supported with sources of evidence

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FAST  provides solutions for the problems of traditional assurance



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Digital first, and always
FAST   is fully-online with no need to export to spreadsheets or presentations. You can work from any browser and anywhere with an internet connection. 

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Best practice at your fingertips
FAST   includes frameworks and guidance from internationally recognised best practice. It’s always up-to-date and you can customise it to your needs.


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Real-time everything
Everything you see is real time - from the moment you start a review, all the way to completing key actions. FAST   keeps you on track to success.


FAST  brings sustainable benefits to your organisation and wider community


Pre-built assurance frameworks
Access best management practice to use as building blocks to create your own frameworks

Predictive Analytics
Understand how your projects are performing over time and what to specifically look out for in future reviews 

Measures for checking project performance
Give confidence to management with credibility and traceability

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Portfolio performance reviews
Review portfolio performance over time against multiple frameworks

Evidence based strengths and weaknesses
Explain how your projects are performing against different frameworks and improve on areas you need to, whilst continuing to do what you are already doing well

In-flight reporting and action-tracking
Get immediate transparency with dashboards available to users in real-time, including agreed actions


Get in touch to improve your assurance

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